ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Office for Human Research Protections

The Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP) is a group of people who are in charge of making sure that scientists and researchers who study people do so in a safe, fair, and respectful way.

You know how when you go to the doctor, they ask you questions about what's going on with your body? Well, sometimes, scientists want to ask people questions or do experiments on them, too. But because people are more complex than machines or animals, scientists have to be very careful when they do these things. The OHRP helps scientists make sure that they're doing everything the right way.

The OHRP makes rules that the scientists have to follow. These rules make sure that the people who participate in the studies are safe and that they know what's going on. They also help make sure that people from all different backgrounds are included in studies, and that no one is left out because of their race, age, or where they come from.

If a scientist breaks the rules, the OHRP can get involved and make sure that they stop doing what's wrong. They might also help the scientist figure out how to do things better in the future.

Basically, the OHRP is like a helper for scientists to make sure that they're treating people with kindness and respect when they do research.