ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Oilfield terminology

An oilfield is a big area where people look for oil. They use machines to dig holes into the ground to get the oil out. When they talk about oilfield terminology, they use special words to talk about the things they do and the things they need to find oil.

Oil rig: This is the machine that they use to drill down into the ground. It's like a big metal tower with a drill bit at the bottom.

Production: This is when they actually get the oil out of the ground and bring it up to the surface.

Drilling: This is when they use the oil rig to drill a hole into the ground.

Rigging up: This is the process of assembling all the different parts of the oil rig.

Drill bit: This is the part of the oil rig that actually cuts through the ground to make a hole for the oil to come up.

Casing: This is a big pipe that goes down the hole to keep it from collapsing.

Completion: This is when they finish drilling and get the well ready to start producing oil.

Fracking: This is a way to get oil out of the ground by injecting water and chemicals into the ground to break up the rock and release the oil.

Platform: This is a type of oil rig that is built on a big platform in the ocean.

Wellhead: This is the part of the oil well that sticks up above the ground. It's like a big metal hat that lets them control the flow of oil coming up the well.

Pumping unit: This is the machine that pumps the oil up the well and into tanks or trucks.

These are just some of the many words that people in the oilfield use. They all work together to find, extract, and transport the oil that we use every day.