ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Old English Hexateuch

Okay, so a long time ago, people used to speak and write in a language called Old English. And in this language, they wrote a book that had six parts, or six stories, in it. They called it the Old English Hexateuch.

In these stories, they talked about some pretty important things. They talked about what happened in the beginning of the world, how people got to be there, and what important things happened to them. They also talked about things like how the world was created, how to be a good person, and how to follow God's rules.

But, the Hexateuch wasn't just a regular book. It was also a really important work of art. It had beautiful drawings and paintings in it that helped tell the stories. And, because not a lot of people knew how to read and write back then, the pictures were really important for helping people understand what was happening.

So, the Old English Hexateuch is a very old book that has six stories in it about important things that happened a long time ago. And, it's also a work of art because it has pretty pictures that help people understand what the stories are about.