ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Old English poetry

Old English poetry is like really old stories and songs that were written a really long time ago. It was written in a language called Old English which is different from the English we speak today.

The stories in Old English poetry often talk about heroes and battles and dragons and magic. They were passed down from generation to generation by word of mouth until people started writing them down.

The poems are made up of lines that don't usually rhyme but have a certain rhythm or beat to them. The lines are also divided into groups called stanzas.

Many Old English poems use a lot of descriptive language and use a lot of metaphors and comparisons to help people understand what is happening in the story.

Old English poetry is really important because it helps us understand what life was like a really long time ago and how different things were back then. It also helps us understand how language has evolved and changed over time.