ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Oligomorphic code

Oligomorphic code is a fancy computer science term that refers to a type of computer virus that can change its appearance in order to avoid detection by anti-virus software. Think of it like a chameleon that can change its color to blend in with its surroundings.

When a normal computer virus infects your computer, it creates a specific pattern or signature that can be recognized by anti-virus software. Anti-virus software uses these signatures to identify and remove viruses from your computer. However, oligomorphic viruses are clever and can change their signature each time they infect a new computer or device. This makes them very difficult to detect because they are always one step ahead of the anti-virus software.

To put it simply, oligomorphic code is like a computer virus that knows how to change its appearance to avoid getting caught. It's a sneaky virus that tries to blend in with its surroundings and stay hidden from anti-virus software that is trying to stop it.