ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay, so imagine you want to keep a secret. Maybe you have a treasure hidden, or you don't want anyone to find out what you're getting someone for their birthday. But you also want to make sure that if someone does find out, they can't use it against you or steal it.

That's where an ollam comes in. An ollam is like a really smart person who knows how to keep secrets well. They know all kinds of tricks and techniques for making sure that no one can figure out what you don't want them to know.

For example, imagine you wanted to send a secret message to your friend across town. You might think that just using a code would be enough, but what if someone intercepts the message and figures out your code? An ollam would know how to make the message even harder to figure out by using things like invisible ink or secret codes that only you and your friend know.

Basically, if you want to keep a secret, an ollam is the person you go to for help. They're like a secret keeper's secret keeper!
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