ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

On Being the Right Size

Have you ever noticed how some animals are bigger than others? A dog is bigger than a cat, but a cat is bigger than a mouse. Well, just like animals, things in this world have a "right size." This means that each living thing is designed to be a certain size and shape according to its needs and the environment it lives in.

For example, an elephant needs to be big because it needs a lot of food to survive. On the other hand, a mouse needs to be small because it only needs a little bit of food to be full.

Now, imagine if an elephant was the size of a mouse. Would it be able to find enough food to survive? No! And if a mouse was the size of an elephant, would it be able to move around easily? No!

So, things in this world are designed to be the right size to fit their needs. This goes for everything from plants to animals to even buildings and machines. It's all about finding the right size to make things work correctly and efficiently. That's why it's important to respect and appreciate the natural size of things around us.