ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

One Country on Each Side

Imagine two big playgrounds next to each other. One playground is called Country A and the other playground is called Country B. There is a big fence in between them which makes them separate countries.

On one side of the fence, all the kids play together on the Country A playground. They have their own rules and their own things to play with. They have a teacher who helps them learn and keep them safe. This is their own special area.

On the other side of the fence, all the kids play together on the Country B playground. They also have their own rules and their own things to play with. They have a teacher who helps them learn and keep them safe. This is also their own special area.

Both sides can see each other through the fence but they can't really play together unless they find a way to get through the fence. Sometimes, the teachers and leaders of Country A and Country B try to talk to each other and make sure everyone is safe and happy, but they still stay on their own sides. This is what it means to have one country on each side.