ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Hi there! Let's talk about something called "one-hot"! Have you ever played with blocks before? Imagine you have a set of blocks in different colors, like green, blue, and yellow. Now, let's say you want to represent these colors in a computer program.

One way to do this is to use something called "one-hot encoding". Basically, we assign a number to each color - let's say 1 for green, 2 for blue, and 3 for yellow. But we don't stop there! We want to make sure that the computer knows that these numbers represent different colors, so we create a "one-hot" vector for each color.

A "vector" is just a fancy word for a list of numbers. So for green, our one-hot vector might look like this: [1, 0, 0]. The first number represents whether the color is green or not - in this case, it's green, so we put a 1. The second and third numbers represent the other colors, blue and yellow. Since our color is not blue or yellow, we put a 0 in those places.

We do the same thing for blue and yellow. So for blue, the one-hot vector would look like this: [0, 1, 0]. And for yellow, it would look like this: [0, 0, 1].

Why is this useful? Well, let's say we wanted to write a program that could recognize different colors. We could use one-hot encoding to represent those colors and then use that information to train our program.

So in summary, one-hot encoding is a way to represent information (like colors) in a computer program using a list of numbers (a vector) where only one number is "hot" or "on" at a time. It's like having a set of blocks and giving each one its own special code so the computer can understand them better.