ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5
Examples: strategy, chess, dns, ego, phone

Single-entry vector

Okay kiddo, so let's talk about single-entry vector. You know how you have a bag where you keep your toys and other things? Single-entry vector is kind of like that bag, but it's used for storing information or data instead of toys.

Now, imagine you have a notebook where you write down all your important notes and reminders. You write each note one by one, and you don't erase any of them. That notebook is an example of a single-entry vector.

In computer science, programmers use single-entry vectors to store a list of data in a certain order. The list can be made up of numbers, text, or anything else that can be represented digitally on a computer.

Instead of storing each piece of information in a separate location, like in a table or spreadsheet, all the data is stored in a single-entry vector in a specific order. This makes it easier for the computer to find and access the data quickly and efficiently.

Think of it like this: You have a bunch of toys that you want to put away in your toy bag. Instead of putting each toy in a separate bag, you put them all in one big bag, and you remember where each toy is located. That's how a single-entry vector works in a computer!

So, a single-entry vector is a way of storing data in a specific order, making it easier for a computer to access and use that data. Cool, huh?