ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Oneness Pentecostalism

Oneness Pentecostalism is a way that some people believe in God. They think there is only one God and not three like some other people believe. They also think that this one God has different parts or roles like a person has a head, hands, and feet.

Some people who believe in Oneness Pentecostalism say that the one God is like a firefighter: when he is at the fire station, he is the father, but when he is fighting a fire he is the son, and when he is helping people after the fire, he is the Holy Spirit.

They believe that in order to be part of this one God, people need to be baptized in water, and some think that people need to speak in tongues, which is like a special prayer language that only God can understand.

People who believe in Oneness Pentecostalism think that it is very important to follow the Bible very closely and live a good life, so they try to be very good people and follow God's rules as closely as they can.