ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Operation Cresset

Operation Cresset was a secret military mission that happened a long time ago. It was a very important operation done by some very brave people who wanted to help keep their country safe.

Basically, it was a plan to go to a place where some bad guys were hiding out, and to stop them from doing bad things. The mission was planned very carefully and secretively, so that the bad guys didn't know what was going to happen.

The mission involved a lot of people like soldiers and special agents who were very well trained and knew how to sneak around without being noticed. They even used cool gadgets to help keep them safe like night vision goggles and special radios.

When they got to the place where the bad guys were hiding, the soldiers and agents worked together and fought bravely to keep everyone safe. They were able to defeat the bad guys and make sure that they couldn't do any more harm.

Operation Cresset was a huge success and it helped keep the country safe. It just goes to show that sometimes even the smallest actions can make a big difference when people work hard and work together.