ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Operation Gisela

Operation Gisela was a secret plan created by the British government during World War II. It was designed to help people who were being forced to work for the German forces against their will.

Think of it like this: Imagine you really love playing outside with your friends. But one day, a big bully comes and says you have to work for them instead, and you can't play with your friends anymore. Operation Gisela was like a special group of helpers who came to rescue people from this bully and let them go back to playing with their friends.

But it wasn't easy. Sometimes the helpers had to sneak around and be very careful so the bully wouldn't catch them. They had to be very brave because they knew it was dangerous. They even made special secret codes to talk to each other, so the bully wouldn't know what they were saying.

In the end, Operation Gisela was successful and helped many people escape from the bully and go back to the things they loved to do. It was a very important and brave thing that the helpers did to keep people safe during a difficult time.