ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Operation Outward

Hey kiddo! Do you know what "Operation Outward" means? It's a special plan that some countries make to keep their people safe. Let me explain it to you in simpler words.

Imagine you live in a house with your family. You want to make sure that your home is safe from bad guys. So you and your family come up with a plan. You decide to lock all doors and windows before going to bed. You also decide to have a dog that barks loudly when it senses danger.

Operation Outward is a similar plan, but for an entire country! The leaders of a country make a plan to keep their citizens safe by making sure that their armed forces are ready to protect them. They make sure the soldiers have the right training and equipment to fight against any danger.

For example, if there is a threat of an attack from another country, the leaders of your country will use Operation Outward to make sure that your country’s military is ready to defend your country. They may also form alliances with other friendly countries to create a stronger defense against any threats.

So just like how you and your family make a plan to keep your house safe, countries use Operation Outward to protect their citizens and keep their country safe. Does that make sense?