ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Operation Steinbock

Operation Steinbock was a plan that the Germans came up with during a big war a long time ago. They wanted to use airplanes to drop bombs on a city called London in England. They thought that if they bombed London a lot, it would make the people in England scared and they might stop fighting.

The Germans did this by sending lots and lots of planes to drop bombs on London. They did it at night when it was dark so that the people in London couldn't see the planes coming. The bombs made really loud noises and caused big fires, which made the people in London very scared.

The people in England didn't want to give up, though, so they made sure to protect themselves as much as possible. They had anti-aircraft guns that they used to shoot at the German planes, and they also had people who would watch the skies for any airplanes coming. They called these people "spotters."

While the Germans did cause a lot of damage to London during Operation Steinbock, they didn't win the war. Eventually, the people in England won and the war ended. Nowadays, Operation Steinbock is remembered as a time when people had to be very brave and do everything they could to protect themselves and their country.