ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Operator overloading

Operator overloading is like playing with your toys but pretending they are something else. You can imagine your toy car as a real car and pretend to drive it around. This makes playing more fun because you can use your imagination and do things you couldn't do with just one toy by itself.

In programming, an operator is a symbol that tells the computer what to do with the values or variables you are using. For example, the plus sign (+) is an operator that tells the computer to add two numbers together.

But sometimes we want to use operators in new and different ways. That's where operator overloading comes in! It lets us redefine what operators mean when we use them with our own custom classes or objects.

So, imagine you have a class called "Box" that represents a physical box. You can define what it means to add two boxes together, or compare two boxes to see which one is bigger. You can do this by writing special functions called "operator overload functions."

For example, you could write a function that looks like this:

Box operator+(const Box& b1, const Box& b2) {
// code to add two boxes here...

This means that when you use the plus sign to add two boxes together, the computer will know to use this function instead of the normal addition function. You can do the same thing with other operators like the comparison operator (==) or the assignment operator (=).

So, operator overloading can help us make our code more readable and flexible by using operators in new and creative ways. It's like having a whole new set of toys to play with!