ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Opinion polls about 9/11 conspiracy theories

Hey kiddo! You know how sometimes you want to know what other people think about something? Like if you ask your friends if they like pizza or not. That's called asking for their opinion. Well, some grown-ups wanted to know what other grown-ups thought about a very important event called 9/11.

You see, on September 11, 2001, some very bad people crashed planes into buildings in New York City. A lot of people were hurt and many, many people died. It was a really sad day for America and the world.

But some grown-ups think that maybe there's more to the story. They believe that maybe it wasn't just the bad people who did it, but that maybe other people helped them or knew it was going to happen and didn't do anything to stop it. This is called a conspiracy theory.

So, some grown-ups wanted to know what other grown-ups thought about these ideas. They did something called an opinion poll, which is when they ask a bunch of people what they think about something. They asked people questions like, "Do you think the government had something to do with 9/11?" or "Do you think there's more to the story than what we've been told?"

The results of these opinion polls showed that some people do believe in the conspiracy theories about 9/11, but most people don't. It's important to remember that just because someone has an opinion doesn't always mean it's true. Sometimes we have to do more research and ask more questions to really understand what happened.