ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Opte Project

The Opte Project is like painting a map of the internet. Just like how we paint pictures on paper using colors, the Opte Project paints the internet using dots and lines.

But, what is the internet? Imagine it to be a big, invisible spider web with lots of little corners and threads. This spider web connects all the computers and devices around the world through cables and signals.

The Opte Project uses a special tool called a scanner to take a picture of this invisible spider web. The scanner looks for all the threads and corners and draws them as tiny dots on a piece of paper.

Once the dots are drawn, the Opte Project connects them using lines to show how they are all connected. Just like how we draw lines to connect a dot-to-dot picture. The lines show how one computer or device is connected to another computer or device around the world.

This painted picture of the internet helps people understand how the different parts of the internet are connected to each other. It also helps internet experts fix problems or improve the internet for everyone to use.