ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Optical square

An optical square is a tool that helps you make sure that something is square and straight. Imagine you are building a house of Lego blocks, and you want to make sure that each side is even and straight. An optical square helps you do this by shining a light on the blocks and making sure that they cast a shadow in a straight line. It's like having a ruler that tells you if everything is lined up perfectly.

Think of it like a magic wand that tells you if your Lego wall is straight or not. When you point the optical square at the wall, it sends out a beam of light that helps you see if the wall is crooked or not. If the wall is not straight, the light will shine at an angle, and you can adjust the blocks until they are perfectly even.

Optical squares are used by lots of people who need to make sure that things are straight and square. This includes builders, carpenters, and even people who make furniture. The optical square is a very clever tool that helps you build things that are strong and sturdy.