ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Orange Sky Golden Harvest

So, imagine you are out playing with your friends at the park and suddenly you notice that the sky has turned a beautiful color! It looks like it's on fire, with bright orange and golden colors all around. That's what we call an "orange sky golden harvest."

Now let's talk about why this happens. You see, the sky usually looks blue because of the way that the sun's light is scattered by the Earth's atmosphere. But when the sun starts to set or rise, its light has to travel through a lot more atmosphere than it does when it's high up in the sky. This means that the light gets scattered even more and the colors change.

As the sun gets closer to the horizon, it starts to turn orange and then red. This is because the blue light gets scattered away by the atmosphere and the other colors, like orange and red, are left. So that's why the sun looks orange when it's setting.

Now, when the sky is a beautiful golden color, it's because of something called "Rayleigh scattering." This is a fancy term that means that the atmosphere is scattering the light in a different way. The atmosphere is made up of different gases and particles, and they scatter the sunlight differently depending on the color of the light.

When the sun is setting or rising, the light has to travel through a lot of atmosphere, and the colors that are left are the warmer colors, like orange and gold. That's why the sky appears to be a beautiful golden color.

And there you have it, my friend, that's why we sometimes see an orange sky and golden harvest! It's all because of the way that the sun's light interacts with our atmosphere.