ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


An orchiectomy is an operation where doctors remove one or both testicles from a man's body. The testicles are a part of the male body that helps make sperm and hormones. Sometimes, doctors might need to remove one or both testicles for different reasons.

Now, imagine that the testicles are like two little factories in your body that produce and make different things. One factory makes sperm, which is like little tiny seeds that grow into babies when a man's sperm meets a woman's egg. The other factory makes hormones, which are like little messengers that tell your body how to grow and change.

Sometimes when people are sick, they might need their doctors to remove one or both of their testicles to help make them feel better. For example, some men might get cancer in their testicles, which is like a really serious disease that makes the factories not work right. If you have cancer in your testicles, the doctors might need to do an orchiectomy to remove them, so the cancer can't spread into your body and make you really sick.

When the doctors do an orchiectomy, they usually give the person some medicine so they're sleepy and don't feel any pain. Then they make a little cut in the person's body, usually in their scrotum, which is the skin that holds their testicles. They carefully take out the testicle and any other stuff around it that might also be sick or damaged. Then, they close up the cut with some special stitches that help to heal it over time.

After the orchiectomy, the person might feel some soreness or pain where the testicle used to be. But, the doctors will give them some medicine to help them feel better, and over time, their body will adjust to not having that factory anymore. They might need to wear a special kind of underwear or use something called a "prosthesis" to help them feel more comfortable, but the doctors will always make sure that they're taking care of their body and feeling healthy.