ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Gender reassignment therapy

Gender reassignment therapy is when someone wants their body to match how they feel on the inside. Some people are born with male or female parts, but they feel like they are the opposite gender. So they might go to a special doctor called a gender therapist, who can help them make their body look more like what they feel on the inside.

For example, if someone was born a boy, but feels like they are really a girl, they might want to wear dresses and grow their hair long. Gender reassignment therapy can help them do that by giving them medicine or hormones that make them more like a girl. They might also have surgery to change their body parts if they want to.

It's important to remember that everyone is different and some people might not feel like a boy or a girl at all. That's okay too! Gender reassignment therapy can help people feel more like themselves and be happier in their own skin.