ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Order of Solomon

So, you know how grownups sometimes have special clubs or groups that they belong to? Well, the Order of Solomon is kind of like that, but with a really cool history behind it.

A long, long time ago, there was a wise king named Solomon who lived in a place called Israel. He was known for being really smart and for building a beautiful temple where people could come and worship. He also had a magical ring that helped him talk to animals and control demons!

Anyway, after Solomon died, people started to create stories and legends about him. Some people even started a secret club called the Order of Solomon, where they would gather to learn about his teachings and try to be wise and helpful like he was.

Nowadays, the Order of Solomon is still around, and they do things like study ancient texts, help people in need, and try to live by Solomon's teachings. They even have special ceremonies and symbols that only members know about.

So basically, the Order of Solomon is a club that tries to follow the wise teachings of a really old king who had cool powers and did good things for his people.