ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Order of the Canons Regular of Premontre

Okay kiddo, imagine there is a group of really good friends who all want to live together and help people. They all decide to wear the same special clothes and share everything they have. They call themselves the Canons Regular of Premontre.

The Canons Regular of Premontre have a leader called an abbot and they all work together to worship God and help people in their community. They have some special rules they follow, like praying together at certain times and sharing their food and belongings.

These canons are special because they are very disciplined and they want to help others. They follow a set of rules called the Norbertine Rule, which was created by a man named Norbert who wanted to live a life of service to God.

The Canons Regular of Premontre can be found all over the world today, still doing good things for their communities and following the Norbertine Rule. They are a great example of how people can work together to do good things and live a happy life.