ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Orders of magnitude (temperature)

Okay kiddo, let's talk about orders of magnitude when it comes to temperature. You know how sometimes we talk about things being really hot or really cold? Well, temperature is a way we measure how hot or cold something is.

The thing is, temperature can vary by a lot, from super cold to super hot. So when we talk about orders of magnitude, we're talking about how many times bigger or smaller one temperature is compared to another.

For example, let's say it's 10 degrees Celsius outside. That might sound pretty chilly to you, but compared to absolute zero (which is the coldest possible temperature, where everything would be completely still), it's actually 283 degrees Celsius warmer! That's one order of magnitude higher.

But wait, it gets even crazier. Let's say we're talking about the temperature at the center of the sun. That can reach over 15 million degrees Celsius! Compared to the temperature outside, that's an increase of over ten orders of magnitude.

So when we talk about orders of magnitude, we're talking about really big differences in temperature. It helps us make sense of just how hot or cold things can get, and how they compare to one another.