ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Organic lawn management

Okay kiddo, so you know how when we play in the grass outside, sometimes we see chemicals being spread on the grass to make it look pretty and get rid of the bugs?

Well, organic lawn management means taking care of the grass and bugs in a natural way without using chemicals that might be harmful to the environment or us. Instead, we use things like compost, natural fertilizers, and other organic materials to keep the grass healthy and growing strong.

This helps to keep a balance between the plants and bugs, so that the good bugs like ladybugs and earthworms can do their job of keeping the bad bugs away. We also try to keep the soil healthy, which gives the grass the nutrients it needs to grow.

So, in summary, organic lawn management means taking care of the grass and bugs in a natural way without using harmful chemicals, using things like compost, natural fertilizers, and maintaining healthy soil to promote good bug and plant balance.