ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


An organohalide is a type of chemical that is made up of atoms of carbon and another type of atom called a halogen, which can be things like chlorine, bromine, or fluorine. Think of it like putting together pieces of a puzzle - the carbon atoms fit together with the halogen atoms to form the organohalide.

These types of chemicals are used in many different things, like in plastic production and as solvents for cleaning purposes. However, they can also be harmful to the environment and living things if not handled properly.

One of the reasons they can be harmful is that they tend to be very stable, which means they don't break down easily. This can lead to them accumulating in the environment, such as in soil and water, and can have negative effects on plant and animal life.

Overall, organohalides are a type of chemical that need to be used and disposed of carefully to prevent harm to the environment and living things.
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