ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Imagine you have two stickers, one is a square and the other is a triangle.

If you put the square on a flat surface, you can color in one side of the sticker without lifting the sticker off the surface.

However, if you put the triangle on the surface, you cannot color in both sides of the sticker without lifting it off the surface and flipping it over.

We say that the square is "orientable," because it has two sides that we can distinguish without having to change the sticker's shape.

On the other hand, the triangle is "non-orientable," because it only has one side that we can color in without having to flip it over.

In math, orientability refers to a property that a surface can have. A surface is orientable if we can define a consistent notion of "direction" or "orientation" across the surface. Just like our square sticker, we can distinguish between different sides of an orientable surface without having to change its shape.

Non-orientable surfaces, like our triangle sticker, do not have a consistent notion of direction or orientation across the surface. We might have to change the shape of a non-orientable surface to tell the difference between different sides.

This might seem like a silly concept, but it's actually really important in math and physics. For example, we need to know if a surface is orientable to do calculations involving the flow of fluids over its surface. We also use orientability to study the shape of higher-dimensional objects called manifolds.
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