ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Origin of the Basques

Okay kiddo, today we will talk about the Basques! They are people who live in a place called Basque Country which is in a part of Europe near Spain and France. The Basques have been living there for a really, really long time, even before countries like Spain and France existed.

Now, scientists have been trying to figure out where the Basques originally came from, but it's a bit of a mystery. Some people think that they came from a place called Atlantis, but that's just a story. What we do know is that the Basques are different from other European groups because they have their own language that is not related to any other language in Europe.

Some scientists think that the Basques might be related to the people who lived in Europe a very long time ago, like thousands and thousands of years ago, before countries even existed! Other scientists think that the Basques came from a place called the Caucasus region, which is near the Black Sea. But we don't know for sure, and it's still a mystery.

But what we do know is that the Basques have a really unique culture and language that they are very proud of. They have their own dances, music, and sports, and they love to celebrate their traditions. So even though we don't know exactly where they came from, we do know that the Basques are a very special group of people who have been living in their own corner of Europe for a very long time.