ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Orkney Islands

The Orkney Islands are a group of islands that are located to the north of Scotland. Imagine it like a big puzzle made up of lots of smaller puzzle pieces, except instead of puzzle pieces, they are islands! Some people live on these islands, but not as many as there are in big cities. It's a lot like living in a small town where everyone probably knows everyone else's name. Despite not having a lot of people, the Orkney Islands are actually very important historically, which means they are part of important stories and events that happened a long time ago.

The Orkney Islands aren't very big, but they are home to some really cool things. For example, some of the earliest evidence of people living there date back thousands of years. There are lots of old buildings and ruins that tell us what life was like for people a long, long time ago.

One of the most famous things about the Orkney Islands is the Ring of Brodgar. This is a big circle made up of standing stones. They are like really, really big rocks that were put together in a special way. We don't really know why they were put there, but they must have been very important because they have lasted for thousands of years!

People who live on the Orkney Islands today also like to celebrate their history and culture. They have special festivals where they wear traditional clothing, they have special foods that they make, and they play a lot of music. It's a special place where people have been living for a really long time, and they want to make sure their traditions and history are remembered and celebrated.