ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ornament (architecture)

An ornament in architecture is like a decoration that people put on buildings to make them look pretty. It’s kind of like putting stickers on your notebook or coloring in the lines of a picture. Sometimes the ornament is carved into the stone or wood of the building, and sometimes it’s added on top.

Think about a gingerbread house you might make for Christmas. You can use frosting to make pretty designs on the roof or add candy canes to the sides. This is kind of like adding an ornament to a building.

But why do people add ornaments to buildings? Well, sometimes they want to show off how rich and powerful they are. If you see a really fancy building, you might think the person who owns it is really important or has lots of money.

Ornaments can also help to make a building look more balanced and interesting. If you look closely at a building, you might see repeating shapes or patterns in the ornament. This makes the building look organized and put-together.

So, all in all, ornaments in architecture are like decorations that make buildings look pretty, important or balanced. They can be added on top of the building or carved into it, and they can be a sign of wealth or a way to make a building look more interesting.
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