ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Orography is a big word that means looking at how mountains are made and how they affect the weather. You know how when you go on a hike, sometimes you have to go up a really big hill or mountain? Well, those hills and mountains are part of orography.

So, when the land goes up really high like a mountain, it changes the way the wind and air move around it. This is called the topography. The wind might go up the mountain and then come back down the other side. Or, sometimes it gets stuck on one side and doesn't move very much.

When wind and air move around mountains, it can cause different types of weather. Sometimes there's a lot of rain or snow on one side of the mountain, but hardly any on the other side. This is because the air gets stuck and can't move over the mountain.

So, orography is like a puzzle that we put together to understand how mountains and the land around them affect the weather. It's pretty cool!
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