ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ortolan bunting

So, little one, an ortolan bunting is a type of bird that lives in Europe. People used to catch and eat them, but now it's not allowed because they are endangered.

Some people used to think it was a fancy and special treat to eat an ortolan bunting. They would catch the bird and put it in a small cage so it can't fly. Then they would feed it lots of delicious foods, like fruit and bread, until it got really fat.

When the bird was nice and plump, they would drown it in brandy (which is like a super strong and fancy alcohol). This was supposed to make the bird taste extra good.

Then the bird would be roasted on a spit, which is like a long stick that turns around over a fire.

There was a special way to eat the ortolan bunting, too. You had to cover your head with a napkin so no one could see you, pick up the bird with your fingers, and put the whole thing in your mouth. You had to chew it quickly before anyone saw you.

This way of eating an ortolan bunting is not allowed now because it's very cruel to the bird and they are endangered. Plus, we should be protecting animals, not eating them.