ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Ostomachion is a very old puzzle that people have been trying to solve for a really long time. It is actually made up of 14 different shapes that you can put together to make a bigger shape.

These shapes are like puzzle pieces, and you have to figure out how to arrange them so that they fit perfectly together. It's kind of like when you play with your building blocks and try to create a specific shape using different pieces.

The cool thing about ostomachion is that it was invented by a famous mathematician from ancient Greece named Archimedes. He really liked puzzles, and he wanted to see if he could make a puzzle that had lots of different solutions.

Archimedes made sure that each piece of the ostomachion puzzle had its own special shape, like different animals or objects. Some pieces look like squares, some like triangles, and some like weird shapes you might have never seen before.

So, when you want to solve the ostomachion puzzle, you have to take each piece and think really hard about where it could fit. It's kind of like completing a really hard jigsaw puzzle.

Archimedes was so interested in this puzzle that he even wrote a whole book about it, which is how we know about it today. Many people have tried to solve the ostomachion puzzle over the years, but it's still quite a challenge to find all the different ways the pieces can fit together.

Some people think that solving puzzles like the ostomachion can help us practice problem-solving skills and think creatively. It's a fun way to exercise our brains and challenge ourselves to find new and clever solutions.

So, if you're interested in puzzles, you might want to give the ostomachion a try. Just remember to be patient because it can take a lot of time to find all the solutions. And don't worry if you can't solve it right away – even the smartest mathematicians had to think really hard before figuring it out!