ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ottawa Treaty

The Ottawa Treaty is a special agreement between many countries from all around the world to stop using a type of weapon called landmines. Landmines are like little bombs that people put in the ground, so when someone steps on them, they explode and hurt or kill the person.

The Ottawa Treaty was signed in Canada in 1997 and it has become really important, because many people were getting hurt or killed by landmines. The treaty says that countries cannot make, use, or sell landmines anymore. It also says that countries have to remove landmines that are already in the ground in their own countries.

This is really important because landmines don't just hurt soldiers or enemies, but also innocent people like children, farmers, and even animals. The Ottawa Treaty has helped to save so many lives and protect the rights and safety of people all around the world.