ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Our Lady of Good Counsel

Well, Our Lady of Good Counsel is actually a special title given to the Virgin Mary, who is the mother of Jesus. The title comes from a vision of Mary that appeared in the town of Genazzano in Italy, way back in the year of 1467.

You see, a lot of people in the town were worried about wars and other problems, and so they prayed to Mary for help. Then suddenly, an image of Mary and baby Jesus appeared on a thin piece of plaster. And what was really amazing was that nobody could figure out how the image actually got there!

Anyway, people started coming from all over the place to see this miraculous image, and lots of them said that they were healed of illnesses or problems while praying to Mary in front of it. So Our Lady of Good Counsel became a really popular title for Mary, because people believed that she was especially good at helping them with their problems.

And that's pretty much it! Today, lots of people still pray to Our Lady of Good Counsel when they need help or guidance in their lives.