ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Outboard gear

Outboard gear is like the toys you use in the sandbox when you want to make the perfect sandcastle. They're tools that help you make your music sound exactly the way you want it to.

Let's say you're making a cake. You have your cake mix, but there are other ingredients you can add to make it taste even better - frosting, sprinkles, and maybe some chocolate chips. Outboard gear is like those extra ingredients - they make your music sound even better by adding different effects.

Some outboard gear toys might change the way your music sounds by adding more bass or making everything sound like it's in a big, empty room. Other toys might make your music sound like it's coming out of a cool, vintage radio.

There are lots of different types of outboard gear toys, and they all do different things. Some are big and bulky, while others are small and easy to carry around.

In short, outboard gear is like having lots of cool toys that make your music sound even better!