ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Overhill Cherokee

Okay, kiddo, let me tell you about Overhill Cherokee.

You see, a long, long time ago, in what is now the southern part of the United States, there were different groups of native people who lived there. One of those groups were the Cherokee people. They lived in villages and had their own way of life and traditions.

The Overhill Cherokee were a specific group of Cherokees who lived in villages along the rivers in Tennessee. They would grow crops like corn and beans, hunt for animals in the forests, and make things like houses and baskets. They also had their own language, which they spoke to each other.

But unfortunately, things were not always easy for the Overhill Cherokee. The white settlers who came to the area didn't always treat them fairly. The settlers wanted the land that the Cherokee people lived on, and they would sometimes try to take it without asking permission. This caused a lot of problems and conflicts.

Eventually, the US government made a decision to force many of the Cherokee people, including the Overhill Cherokee, to move to a new area far away from their homes. This is known as the Trail of Tears. Many Cherokee people died on the journey or in their new land, and it was a very difficult time for them.

Today, there are still Cherokee people living in different parts of the United States. They have their own government, traditions, and way of life. It's important for us to remember and respect their history and culture.