ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Overprint is when you put two colors on top of each other to make a new color. Imagine having a red crayon and a blue crayon. If you color with the red crayon first and then color on top of it with the blue crayon, the place where the colors overlap will make a new color, like purple! Overprinting is like that, but with more advanced colors and with printing on paper.

When you want to print something like a picture or a design, you can choose to overprint certain colors. For example, if you have a picture of a pink flower and you want to make the flower look darker, you might choose to overprint a darker shade of pink on top of it. This will make the flower look deeper and richer in color.

Overprinting can also be used to make interesting effects. For example, if you overprint a yellow color on top of a blue color, you will get green where the colors overlap. This technique can be used to create cool patterns or designs.

It's important to note that overprinting can also go wrong if you don't do it correctly. If you overprint too many colors on top of each other, they can become muddled and hard to see. This is why it's important to know what colors to use and where to put them when you're designing something.
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