ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Overtime ban

Okay kiddo, let me explain what an overtime ban is. When you go to school, you usually have a certain number of hours you go every day, right? Well, when people go to work, they also have certain hours that they work every day. But sometimes, their boss might ask them to work more hours than they usually do. These extra hours are called "overtime."

Sometimes, workers might not want to work overtime because they want to spend time with their families, rest, or do other things they like to do. When many workers decide not to work overtime, it's called an "overtime ban."

An overtime ban means that workers will stop working extra hours that they usually get paid more for. They're not saying they won't work their regular hours anymore, just that they won't work the extra hours.

People might decide to do an overtime ban if they feel like they're not getting paid enough for the extra work they do, or if they're not happy with the conditions they have to work under. It's a way for them to show their boss that they're not happy with something and they want things to change.