ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Oxyride battery

An Oxyride Battery is a type of battery that makes things work when you put it inside. It uses a special kind of chemical reaction to make electricity that can power a toy, a flashlight, or even a car!

Imagine you have a toy that needs a battery to make it move. The Oxyride Battery has two parts called electrodes. One of them is called the positive electrode and the other is called the negative electrode. These electrodes are kind of like the two sides of a magnet. They like each other, but they are different, so they attract each other.

Inside the Oxyride Battery, there is a special mix of chemicals called electrolytes that helps the electrodes interact. When you put the battery into your toy, it completes a circuit which connects the two electrodes in a circular path.

When this happens, the chemicals in the Oxyride Battery start to react with each other and create electricity. This electricity flows from the negative electrode to the positive one, powering your toy!

What's special about the Oxyride Battery is that it uses a chemical called oxy-hydroxide that reacts with the positive electrode to make even more electricity. This means they last longer, even when you use them a lot.

So, next time you need a battery for your toy or flashlight, you might want to choose an Oxyride Battery because it will last longer and make your toy or flashlight work better for longer!