P-adic numbers are special types of numbers that can be used to describe certain kinds of math problems. They are related to the usual numbers we use every day (called ordinary numbers) because p-adic numbers are based on ordinary numbers. Here's how it works: To make a p-adic number, you start with a regular number (like 4, for example) and divide it by a special number called p. Let’s say p is 3. So if you divide 4 by 3, you get 4/3, which is 1.3333. But we don’t use decimals in p-adic numbers, so you round that to the nearest whole number, which is 1. That’s the first part of our p-adic number. Then you divide 1 by 3 and round it off to the nearest whole number which gives us 0. So a p-adic number based on 4 and 3 is 10. P-adic numbers can help us solve problems that ordinary numbers can’t.