ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

PH helmet

Okay kiddo, do you know what a helmet is? It's something you wear on your head to protect your head from injury. A ph helmet works the same way, but instead of protecting your head from things hitting it, it protects your hair from getting damaged.

You see, your hair has a natural acidity level called a pH level. This means that it's slightly acidic, like lemon juice. When you wash your hair with shampoo, it can make the pH level of your hair too basic or alkaline. This is bad because it can cause your hair strands to become weak and brittle.

A ph helmet is a special product that helps to restore the pH balance of your hair after you've washed it. It's like a conditioner, but instead of just making your hair soft and smooth, it helps to keep your hair healthy by keeping the pH balance at the right level.

So, to sum it up, a ph helmet is like a superhero for your hair. It helps to keep your hair strong and healthy by making sure that the acidity level in your hair is just right.