ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

PLC carrier repeating station

Do you know how sometimes people use walkie-talkies to talk to each other when they're far away? Well, imagine that instead of people talking to each other, it's machines talking to each other. These machines might be really far apart from each other, maybe even in different parts of the world. But they need to talk to each other to get things done.

That's where a PLC carrier repeating station comes in. It's like a special station that helps the machines talk to each other over really long distances. The station has a special ability to pick up signals (like messages or instructions) from one machine and "repeat" them to another machine that's too far away to hear the original signal.

It's kind of like if you were trying to tell a secret to someone far away, but you whispered it to a friend who was closer and they shouted it to the far away person so they could hear too. The repeating station does that, but with signals from machines instead of whispers from people.

Overall, the PLC carrier repeating station is a really helpful tool for making sure machines can communicate with each other even when they're really far apart.