ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Pachomius the Great

Pachomius the Great was a very important man who lived a very very long time ago, around 1700 years ago. He was a monk, which means he lived a very holy and simple life, just like Jesus did. People liked him very much and he eventually became very famous.

One thing that Pachomius did that people remember him for was that he started something called a "monastery." A monastery is a special place where monks all live together, pray together, and work together. Pachomius started the first one of these monasteries ever! He made this special place because he believed that it was important for monks to learn how to work together and help each other.

Pachomius also made up some rules that everyone who lived in the monastery had to follow. These rules were called the "pachomian rule" and they were very important because they made sure that everyone in the monastery got along and worked hard. The rules were things like "always be kind", "don't argue", and "help each other."

Even though Pachomius lived such a long time ago, many people still remember his good deeds and teachings. He was someone who wanted everyone to be happy and to get along with each other, and that is a very important lesson that we can all learn from him.