ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Packet switching

Okay, imagine you have a bunch of toys scattered all over your room. But you can only carry one toy at a time. So, if you need to move all your toys to a different room, it would take you a long time to make all those trips back and forth.

Now, imagine that you have a magic box that can hold all your toys at once, and it will automatically sort them out and send them to the right place in the other room. That's like what happens with packet switching!

In the internet, when you send information like a message or a video, it gets broken up into lots of tiny pieces called "packets". These packets are like the toys from before - they can only be sent one at a time, but there are a lot of them.

The magic box is like the routers that make up the internet. They can take these packets and figure out where they need to go, and then send them on their way. Depending on how far away the other person is, these packets might have to travel through lots of different routers before they finally reach their destination.

The packets don't all travel the same path, though. Just like how you might choose a different way to walk to a friend's house depending on traffic or construction, the routers will send each packet on the best path they can find at the time.

When all the packets finally reach the other side, they get put back together into the original message or video. It's like if you dumped all your toys out on the floor in your friend's room, and they put them back into their toy box for you.

So that's packet switching! It's a way of breaking up information into smaller pieces and sending them through the internet, and then putting them back together again when they reach their destination.