ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Padanian nationalism

Padanian nationalism is when people who live in the Padania region of Italy (which includes parts of northern Italy) feel very proud of their area and want to have more control over their own government and policies.

It's like when you really love your neighborhood or town and you want to make it the best it can be. People who are Padanian nationalists feel that their region has its own unique culture, language, and history, and they think it should be recognized and celebrated more.

But some people in Italy don't agree with this idea of Padanian nationalism. They think that Italy should be one unified country, and that having different regions with different governments could cause problems. It's like when some of your friends want to do something different than you do, and you have to figure out a way to compromise so that everyone is happy.

So, Padanian nationalism is like a big debate in Italy, with some people feeling very strongly one way and others feeling just as strongly in the opposite direction.