ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Page layout

Hi there! So, you know when you draw a picture, you have to make sure everything fits on the paper? Well, that's what page layout is all about.

When you make a document or a webpage, you have to decide where everything goes. That's called the layout. You have to think about how many things you want on the page and where they will go. You might want a big picture at the top, some writing in the middle, and a small picture at the bottom.

But it's not just about where things go. You also have to decide how big they should be and what color they should be. You might want big letters for the title and smaller letters for the rest of the writing.

And finally, you want to make sure everything looks neat and organized. You don't want things to be too close together or too far apart. You want the page to look nice and easy to read.

So, putting it all together, page layout is like making a puzzle. You have to figure out where everything goes, how big it should be, and how to make it look nice and organized.