ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru

Jawaharlal Nehru was a very important person in India's history, kind of like a superhero! He was born a long time ago in 1889 and he lived until 1964. He was a very smart man with a very big heart. People also called him "Pandit Nehru," which means "wise teacher."

Now, Jawaharlal Nehru loved his country India very much and wanted it to be a happy place for everyone. He believed that every person should have the freedom to live a good life and make their own choices. He thought it was important for all people, no matter their background or religion, to be equal and treated with respect.

When India used to be under rule by the British, meaning people from another country called Britain were in charge, Nehru was determined to free India from their control. He worked very hard with other brave people, like Mahatma Gandhi, to make this happen.

In 1947, after many years of fighting for independence, India finally became its own country! This was a very special and happy time for the Indian people, and they were so grateful to Nehru for his efforts in making it happen. So, he became the first Prime Minister of India. The Prime Minister is like the captain of a team, making important decisions for the country and trying to make it the best place it can be.

Nehru was not just a good leader, but he was also a writer and a thinker. He wrote many books and articles to share his ideas with other people. He believed in education and wanted every child in India to have the opportunity to go to school and learn about the world. He also worked to make sure there were good hospitals and doctors for everyone's health.

One of Nehru's big dreams was to make India a strong and independent country that could be respected by other nations. He worked hard to build bridges with other countries and helped to form alliances and friendships to protect India's interests.

Nehru was a very kind person and was loved by many people not just in India, but all around the world. Children loved him too, because he understood the importance of happiness and freedom for the younger generation.

Sadly, in 1964, Pandit Nehru passed away. This made a lot of people very sad because he had made a big impact on their lives. But his legacy and the things he did for India will always be remembered. Today, he is still considered one of the greatest leaders in India's history, and his ideas of freedom, equality, and education continue to inspire people all over the world.