ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Paper and ink testing

Hi there!

Do you know what paper and ink are? Paper is the thin, flat material that we use for drawing or writing things down, like letters, pictures or books. Ink is the colorful liquid that we put onto the paper using pens or markers.

Now, when we talk about paper and ink testing, it means that we want to check if the ink that we put on the paper will stay there for a long time or if it will start to fade away or disappear over time. There are different reasons why we might want to know this, such as making sure that important documents or drawings can last for a long time without losing their information.

So, how do we do paper and ink testing? It's actually quite simple. First, we take a piece of paper and put some ink on it using a pen or marker. Then, we leave it in a place where it won't be moving or touched for a certain amount of time, maybe a week or even longer.

After that time has passed, we come back to check on the paper and see if the ink is still there, or if it has started to fade or disappear. We might also try rubbing the ink with our fingers or a cloth to see if it smears or comes off easily.

Overall, paper and ink testing is just a way for us to make sure that the things we write or draw will last for a long time and won't fade away. It's important to know that different types of paper or ink might have different results, so scientists and experts often do lots of different tests to make sure that they are using the best materials for their needs.